The Purpose of an Optimist Club:
* To develop Optimism As a philosophy Of life
* To Promote an active interest in good government and civic affairs
* To inspire respect for law
* To promote patriotism, work for international accord, and friendship
among people
* To aid and encourage the development of youth, in the belief that
giving of ones self in the service to others will advance the well
being of human-kind, the community, and the world.
Meeting And Time Commitments:
The Bay City Noon Optimist Club meets Tuesdays at the Paul Davis Restoration office building at 701 Salzburg Ave, Bay City, Mi. A delicious lunch is available at a cost of $8.00, There are no meeting attendance requirements, but members are encouraged to attend.
While members are not expected to participate in all project/fundraising activities, again they are encouraged to do so. Through your participation you build friendships, and at the same time enjoy fellowship with other members. If you have an interest in a particular project or service activity, contact the committee chair or the club president to find out how you can be involved at a level that is comfortable for you.
The Optimist year runs from October 1 through September 30. Annual dues are $140 and can be paid annually, semi-annually, or on a quarterly basis. Quarterly dues are $35.00 and payable the 1st of each quarter. Optimist International periodically conducts special membership incentive campaigns, which result in reduced annual dues.
Zone, District, and Optimist International:
Our club belongs to the Michigan District Optimist and Optimist International. The District holds meetings on a quarterly basis, generally on a weekend to allow us to meet with other clubs and share our projects. There is also an annual convention held by Optimist International in July. Optimists from all over the world join for four days of workshops and training for the incoming officers.
If you would like more information about becoming a member of the Bay City Noon Optimist Club, please contact us.