April 1: Field Trip to Toni and Trish House
Meet at 4699 11 Mile Road at Noon
Tour Guide: JoEllen Strieter
**April 1: Field Trip, Tour of Toni and Trish House
Meet at 4699 11 Mile Rd, Auburn
Tour Guide: JoEllen Strieter
**April 8: Sound The Alarm With The Red Cross
Presenter: Michelle Milliken
April 11: Bay Area Chamber Eye Opener Breakfast
DoubleTree Hotel River Front, Bay City
Program Bay County Library System
Presenter: Trish Burns
**April 15: Bay County Department on Aging
Presenter: Beth Eurich
April 16: BCNOC Board Meeting
Location: ISD Career Center
April 16: Children's Birthday Party
April 16: Bay Area Chamber After Hours,
River Jordan, 706 5th Street, Bay City
**April 22: 2024-2025 BCNOC Essay Winners
Facilitator: Patti Krenz
April 24: Mike McMath's "Empty Canvas"
Fundraiser for The Arc of Bay County
Locatio: Bay City State Theatre
**April 29: BCNOC Board Meeting Recap
Presenters: BCNOC Board Members
Please Note!: Meetings going forward will be held at Paul Davis Restoration, 701 Salzburg Ave, Bay City
**Regular Scheduled Meeting
BCNOC: (Bay City Noon Optimist Club)
**March 4: New Member Induction
Presenter: Kathy Dardas, President BCNOC
**March 11: Youth Appreciation Lunch
Facilitator: TBA
Location: DoubleTree Hotel, Bay City
**March 14: Bay Area Chamber Commerce
Eye Opener Breakfast
DoubleTree Hotel River Front, Bay City
**March 18: NOW Meeting (New Optimist Wanted)
March 19: Children's Birthday Party i
March 20: Bay Area Chamber After Hours
United Way Bay County
909 Washington Ave, Bay City
March 19: BCNOC Board Meeting
Location: ISD Career Center
March 20: "First Day Of Spring"
March 24, 2025: BCNOC Travelogue
Location: Bay City State Theatre
"Salt Of The Earth"
The Works Of Sebastião Salgado
**March 25: 2024-2025 Oratorical Winners
Facilitator: TBA
The winners of our Oratorical Contest will be present to present their speech
Please Note!: Meetings going forward will be held at Paul Davis Restoration, 701 Salzburg Ave, Bay City
**Regular Scheduled Meeting
BCNOC: (Bay City Noon Optimist Club)
Since 1956, Optimist International, and Optimist Clubs throughout the world, have recognized local youth for their efforts in the arts, athletics, academics and community service work. This program is known as Youth Appreciation, and it is the perfect opportunity for Optimists to make a difference in their community and demonstrate the Optimists’ commitment to young people.
Front row seated L to R:
Honorees: M.J. Falasz, Erik Schlicker, Annalise Cushway, Claire Donahue,
Kielerra Clemmons, Marlee Gwizdala
2nd row standing L to R: Keynote Speaker James Tromba,Jr., BCNOC President Kathy Dardas,
Honorees: Zaidreyhana Jackson, Lilly Bark, Jonas Wilcox, Storm Reinbolt, Adrienne Rau,
Nia Wynn, Kaden Gage
3rd row standing L to R: Bay City Mayor Christopher Girard,
Honorees: Willow Julian, Rishi Sood, Branson Szilagyi, Will Oliver, Ben Peters, Nathan Rytlewski.
Michigan District Optimist Governor Sean Mueller
Absent from picture: Alyssa Parish
Bay City Noon Optimist Club's 7th Annual Golf Fundraiser Benefiting The Youth Of Our Community Is Fast Approaching. It Is Never Too Early To Concider Sponsoring A Team, or Part Of the Event.
The Bay-Arenac ISD Career Center is having a cash raffle fundraiser to raise money to cover the student costs of regional, state and national student club competition.
Drawing: April 9, 2025
(Need Not To Be Present)
Michigan Charitable Gaming License # R78548
Hey, Bay City! has one mission: Share the stories and opportunities of Bay County, Michigan. Find A Job, Post A Job, Listen To Podcasts, Find A Home, Sell A Home, Find Something To Do. It's All Here, And It's All Free!!
Join us for a FREE one-day workshop for dads, led by dads. Connect, share, and grow with other dads and male caregivers. Enjoy food, giveaways, and more!
March 12 and May 14, 2025
Do you have seasonal or permanent positions that you need to fill?
Are you looking for an opportunity to share information about your business or industry with future employees?
Bay City Noon Optimist Member: Tim Murray
2800 North Euclid Avenue, Bay City, Michigan 48706, United States